Wow have I neglected this blog or what. No, I didn't fall off the face of the earth. I must say in the middle of my reconstruction of my Blog I got very frustrated, I was running into all kinds of issues and just put it off to the side and couldn't look at it. Then something amazing happened on November 22nd 2009, Haley Ann Cegielski was born, I was give the chance to experience giving birth again to a beautiful child. We where blessed with a daughter and she is amazing.
As a developing photographer, I must say its been so fun to have a model around 24-7! I've enjoyed taking pictures of her and let me tell you no moment in her life will be missed by my camera! I hope my followers are still around to continue to watch my photography grow, I encourage you leave comments, I'd love to hear from you. I promise to post on a regular basis going forward, I have so much to share!
Take a look at our beautiful daughter Haley....

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