My First Step...

So.... I took my first step in pursuing photography today. I signed up for a beginners digital photography class offered through National Camera Exchange in the Twin Cities. Its only a few hours long but takes place on September 13th. I also went to Boarders today on my lunch brake and reviewed there photography section (I could have spent all day there). I did find a beginners book for all types of Cameras etc. So Im hoping I will get a lot out of this book. And last but not least I found an online class through Sony (which is the brand of my digital camera) that will talk you through the basics etc and then it even has assignments and quizzes (im back in SCHOOL, ok not really but having quizzes makes me feel that way!)

I originally thought I should start by getting back to the very basic with my SLR film Cannon camera but as I talked with my Brother-in-law Steve he raised a good point that im going to waist a lot of money on film using that camera, plus I'd rather learn and understand digital then film since thats where Id like to focus on in the future. So hear I go, one mini step closer to my dream!

Sorry no recent pics. I did however load them on my computer at home late last night but that was all I got done. We'll see what the night brings, we have family pic tonight for our church at 7:30 (Reids bedtime), it will be interesting to say the least!

Love, Live, Life!


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