So we had our family pics. last night for our Church directory. Reid did just fine, we had about a 5min sitting and then we got to review the pics and pick out what we wanted for our comp. pic and directory pic. We liked what we saw so Tom suggested we order a few 5X7 for the grandparents (4 total), ummmm..... $89.00 thats right $89.00 for 4 prints... WOW! I looked at Tom and we both said NO THANK YOU! What a rip off, I understand they need to make money some how since they donate the directory to the church and the 8X10 pic but really, thats over $20 a pic. I could see paying that much for pics if I had photographer that had to deal with us for over and hour with outfit changes and such but seriously. I guess its just one more reason to start a side job in photography!
Ok im over it now!
Well its Wed. so I guess I should start packing tonight and doing laundry (im not a fan of doing laundry!) I can't wait for a week off, it is so needed!
My First Step...
So.... I took my first step in pursuing photography today. I signed up for a beginners digital photography class offered through National Camera Exchange in the Twin Cities. Its only a few hours long but takes place on September 13th. I also went to Boarders today on my lunch brake and reviewed there photography section (I could have spent all day there). I did find a beginners book for all types of Cameras etc. So Im hoping I will get a lot out of this book. And last but not least I found an online class through Sony (which is the brand of my digital camera) that will talk you through the basics etc and then it even has assignments and quizzes (im back in SCHOOL, ok not really but having quizzes makes me feel that way!)
I originally thought I should start by getting back to the very basic with my SLR film Cannon camera but as I talked with my Brother-in-law Steve he raised a good point that im going to waist a lot of money on film using that camera, plus I'd rather learn and understand digital then film since thats where Id like to focus on in the future. So hear I go, one mini step closer to my dream!
Sorry no recent pics. I did however load them on my computer at home late last night but that was all I got done. We'll see what the night brings, we have family pic tonight for our church at 7:30 (Reids bedtime), it will be interesting to say the least!
Love, Live, Life!
I originally thought I should start by getting back to the very basic with my SLR film Cannon camera but as I talked with my Brother-in-law Steve he raised a good point that im going to waist a lot of money on film using that camera, plus I'd rather learn and understand digital then film since thats where Id like to focus on in the future. So hear I go, one mini step closer to my dream!
Sorry no recent pics. I did however load them on my computer at home late last night but that was all I got done. We'll see what the night brings, we have family pic tonight for our church at 7:30 (Reids bedtime), it will be interesting to say the least!
Love, Live, Life!
Camping with a 1 year old...
Hello.... (sorry its been awhile, Ive had a busy few days!) So we took Reid camping for the first time with the Cegielski gang this past weekend(our annual camping trip). We had a great time as usual hanging out with the family and watching the kids play like crazy! HOWEVER..... Camping in a tent with an air mattress that slowly leeks and a 1 year old do not mix!
Reid apparently doesn't sleep well in a tent with a pack and play. And of course you can't let him cry himself to sleep when your laying right there next to him or let him wake up the rest of the campers around us so needless to say I think he may have gained 2 lbs in a weekend because of all the milk he got. Sat. night turned out better but still not like home. For those of you with a one year old that is thinking about camping I would recommend you wait until they can walk and don't put everything they see in there mouth. It made it hard to fully enjoy the weekend when you couldn't just let him go and play like at home. Like I said it was very nice to see everyone and wouldn't have missed it for the world... Tom and I vowed to never camp in a tent again... A CAMPER will be a necessity.
I did take some time to take pics... I took my old 35mm SLR camera with film so i hope they turn out well, its hard when you get used to a digital and go back to film (I kept wanting to look at the back of my camera to see how the pic looked, no can do with that camera). Once I get more comfortable with my digital camera using the manual mode I think I'm going to upgrade my SLR to digital. I hope to get on my computer tonight to download the digital pics I took of the weekend and post them tomorrow.
Have a great day... For those of you in WI or MN stay cool this week its going to be hot and humid week ahead!
Reid apparently doesn't sleep well in a tent with a pack and play. And of course you can't let him cry himself to sleep when your laying right there next to him or let him wake up the rest of the campers around us so needless to say I think he may have gained 2 lbs in a weekend because of all the milk he got. Sat. night turned out better but still not like home. For those of you with a one year old that is thinking about camping I would recommend you wait until they can walk and don't put everything they see in there mouth. It made it hard to fully enjoy the weekend when you couldn't just let him go and play like at home. Like I said it was very nice to see everyone and wouldn't have missed it for the world... Tom and I vowed to never camp in a tent again... A CAMPER will be a necessity.
I did take some time to take pics... I took my old 35mm SLR camera with film so i hope they turn out well, its hard when you get used to a digital and go back to film (I kept wanting to look at the back of my camera to see how the pic looked, no can do with that camera). Once I get more comfortable with my digital camera using the manual mode I think I'm going to upgrade my SLR to digital. I hope to get on my computer tonight to download the digital pics I took of the weekend and post them tomorrow.
Have a great day... For those of you in WI or MN stay cool this week its going to be hot and humid week ahead!
A New Attidue and Direction for my LIFE!
Ok so I had an opening experience yesterday.... I had dinner with my two sister-in-laws last night and some how we got on the topic about how Im board with the direction of my life from a career perspective was going.
Sheri asked me what would make me happy? I said I want to full fill my dream of becoming a photographer. For those of you who know me I love to take pictures (thank god for digital cameras I know longer have issues with cameras without film hahaha cegielski's :) Im also a huge scrapbooker, I have about 10 albums (some of which completed others still in progress). I took photography classes in high school and earlier years in college but something stopped me from going any further with it. The world of photography has changes so much that I want a part of it.
Every time I talk with Sheri she has away about her to inspire and motivate me, Its crazy but I thank her for it, im sure she doesn't even realize she does this but she does. Its probably why shes so successful with her CM business. She said to me last night, "why don't you go for it, start exploring photography...." every excuse or comment I had about not doing it she would come back and find away around it. I also must give credit to Kristine as well she didn't put up with my excuses either.
I think whats holding me back is knowing the obstacles I have to go through and that they could be challenging and could take some time to be where I want to end up. However she reminded me that its going to take time but that my age and place in life mean nothing and it CAN be DONE!
So I racked my brain last night instead of sleeping and decided she was so right if I want a career with meaning and an overall happy life that (I only dreaming about now) have to make it happen. So I woke up this morning and I decided today things will change. Ive decided I need a list of goals so that I can be reminded of them daily and actually meet them. There something so rewarding about meeting a personal goal and I thought by publishing them would make me even that more responsible to meet them. So check them out on the....
Sheri asked me what would make me happy? I said I want to full fill my dream of becoming a photographer. For those of you who know me I love to take pictures (thank god for digital cameras I know longer have issues with cameras without film hahaha cegielski's :) Im also a huge scrapbooker, I have about 10 albums (some of which completed others still in progress). I took photography classes in high school and earlier years in college but something stopped me from going any further with it. The world of photography has changes so much that I want a part of it.
Every time I talk with Sheri she has away about her to inspire and motivate me, Its crazy but I thank her for it, im sure she doesn't even realize she does this but she does. Its probably why shes so successful with her CM business. She said to me last night, "why don't you go for it, start exploring photography...." every excuse or comment I had about not doing it she would come back and find away around it. I also must give credit to Kristine as well she didn't put up with my excuses either.
I think whats holding me back is knowing the obstacles I have to go through and that they could be challenging and could take some time to be where I want to end up. However she reminded me that its going to take time but that my age and place in life mean nothing and it CAN be DONE!
So I racked my brain last night instead of sleeping and decided she was so right if I want a career with meaning and an overall happy life that (I only dreaming about now) have to make it happen. So I woke up this morning and I decided today things will change. Ive decided I need a list of goals so that I can be reminded of them daily and actually meet them. There something so rewarding about meeting a personal goal and I thought by publishing them would make me even that more responsible to meet them. So check them out on the....
Birthday Fun
So I was able to get some pics together from Reid's B-day party. I love the cake pics, he had so much fun.
My wonderful helpers...
At first Reid didn't know what to do then he started to go wild, but still didn't want to eat it. The first time he has something in front of him and he wont put it in his mouth.
As you can see he figured it out!
Just before we opened gifts!
So some of you may know we have our house for sale and we had a couple look at it last night. This was there second time looking at it and Tom and I think it went well. They sat on our deck and talked with us for over an hour. They really liked how quite it was. So keeping our fingers crossed, not sure where we'll go but we know we need a bigger home for the future so we'll take what we can.
I get to see my sister-in-laws tonight for dinner, can't wait! Every girl enjoys some girl talk!
Well I survived the 1st birthday party! Needless to say I was exhausted Saturday night. I think my favorite thing about the party was Reid attacking his CAKE (cookie monster cake)! He at first didn't know what to do but play in it then he figured out that it was food and good tasting! My sister even thought that it would be funny to look like my son, by smearing icing all over my face which turned into a icing fight between us, what a mess! Thanks Kimberly!
I must say thank you to everyone who helped me clean up on Sat. and Sunday it was so nice to have a clean house by Noon on Sunday, that's the worse to have to spend your day after cleaning. SO THANK YOU SO MUCH!
I will post pics soon, I haven't even looked at them from the Party yet, Needless to say there are a ton since I had to go and empty my card half way through the party since my memory card was full. So it will take me awhile to get through them and loaded to my blog.
Have a great day.... LIVE, LOVE, LIFE! LC
I must say thank you to everyone who helped me clean up on Sat. and Sunday it was so nice to have a clean house by Noon on Sunday, that's the worse to have to spend your day after cleaning. SO THANK YOU SO MUCH!
I will post pics soon, I haven't even looked at them from the Party yet, Needless to say there are a ton since I had to go and empty my card half way through the party since my memory card was full. So it will take me awhile to get through them and loaded to my blog.
Have a great day.... LIVE, LOVE, LIFE! LC
My First Post!

Im sure I will be writing to myself for awhile but its kinda nice to let the loose and let it all out!
Today is my Son Reid's first Birthday, I can't believe its been a year! (My Fav. Pic from the day he was born, so Innocent and Perfect). Some days I have to remind myself that Im a Mom now but yet its been over a year since it came true. If every year goes as fast as this one, WOW he will be 18 before I know it.
Im sure I will be writing to myself for awhile but its kinda nice to let the loose and let it all out!
Today is my Son Reid's first Birthday, I can't believe its been a year! (My Fav. Pic from the day he was born, so Innocent and Perfect). Some days I have to remind myself that Im a Mom now but yet its been over a year since it came true. If every year goes as fast as this one, WOW he will be 18 before I know it.
So I have been in the process of planning his first birthday. Why is it that I feel the need to create an amazing party they he will never understand or remember? Is it that I have watched so many other people through parties for there Kids that I just can't wait to do it for my own? Why don't I just save my energy for future parties when it actually means something to him? If only I would listen to myself and stop the madness I would be just fine. But Im in two deep now. 20 adults and 9 kids (all different ages).

Jumpy Castle and Bingo for fun and a ton of food! Even Reid's very own Cookie Monster Cake! What a site this will be stay tuned for pics next week!
Live for Today...

Jumpy Castle and Bingo for fun and a ton of food! Even Reid's very own Cookie Monster Cake! What a site this will be stay tuned for pics next week!
Live for Today...
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