1. Well so much for doing this on a Friday! Oh well its close enough right. Once the kids got to bed yesterday night I was ready for bed my self. We sure know how to do it up on a Friday night, nothing like being in bed by 9:30...
2. So what happened this week? Well lets go go back to last weekend. The kids and I visited Grandma and Grandpa in MN which is always fun, the Kids and I also got to see some of our favorite friends and went to an indoor park, the kids had lots of fun! We then searched for the perfect Grill to get Tom for his Birthday on Sunday. Of course it still needs to be put together but at least our old one can go. We took Tom out for his birthday at Cancun Mexican restaurant. They usually do a big song and dance and bring you free fried Ice Cream however we didn't get the song and dance as they were understaffed. But the Ice Cream was so yummy... I was hoping to embarrass the birthday boy, maybe next year. Happy Birthday TOM!
3. I had to travel to MN for work Tue-Thur which made it for a longer week. Not including the fall on cement stairs I encountered on Thursday morning. I bruised my butt really bad and I have to sit lightly on the left side. Thank god it wasn't my tail bone but it still hurts. Which has made it hard to go to the gym.
4. The joys of traveling for work brought the chance for me to finish the second Hunger Games book which I can't wait to start the third. Im addicted and can't wait for the second movie to come out. My Girl friend informed me she finished the third already and doesn't know what to do next which I how Im afraid I might feel after as well. Im not the biggest book reader but these books got me at page one and I can't believe I will have finished three books in such a short time. Anyone else read all three??
Well gotta run and make pan-a-cakes for the little ones (that's how read says Pancakes! Love it) Nothing like Pancakes and Toystory 2 on a Saturday morning. Just hoping the sun joins us today!