My love for Black and White Photo's

I love B&W photos, I love the contrast and simplicity of them. Here are two of my favorite B&W's I took this winter, as you all know this is Paige (seen many times on my blog! Shes a regular). I hope to be posting pictures of her new sister or brother soon, due to enter the world any day!

(I know 2 post in one night, it might be a record!)
Live, Love, Life...

Lost in my pile....

I had updated my sister in-laws pics back in January and realized that I never posted them. Here are a few of my fav's!

Live, Love, Life...

Life comes in Three's!

So I have been a bit behind on editing pictures the past month or so. I finally got finished editing some pictures from a session I had a month or so ago with my Cousin-In-Law's cute kids! One of which is my god daughter Laney - Love her! Enjoy your sneak peak Heather! Take a look...