The Fuller Family
I have been busy this fall. I was asked to take pictures of the Fuller family in September. We lucked out and had great weather. It always makes me nervous shooting large family's especially with young children but to my surprise we got some good shots and I hope the fullers love them. Thanks for all be such great sports while trying to find the perfect place. Enjoy!

2010 Senior
Reid 2 years
Well now that my little man is 2 I thought I would share his 2 year picture with all of you. I can't believe how different he looks from last year. They loose there baby look so quick. We even took the Nuk away 2 weeks ago which I think was harder for me then him. We hope to have him in a big boy bed by Oct. that way he will have 2 months hopefully before his Sister takes over the crib. Oh yeah for those that don't know Tom and I are having a baby Girl. We can't believe it, buying pink is a lot more fun then buying for boys. I've been holding back a bit but its been hard.

Paige 18 months
Reid 2nd B-day Party
Its offical my Little Man is 2! I can't believe it, time fly's. We through him a Tonka Truck B-day party. I just love putting together themed partys (a trait I got from my mom, and I good one!) Here are some fun pics from the party, they just make me smile. Enjoy!

Birthday Fun-Can you believe hes 2!
So my little MAN is 2! People always say time fly's and take time to Cherish each and every min. but that's an understatement. I just can't believe hes 2, im in shock what happened to my baby, my little monkey, I have a little Man who sasses back to me one minute and then the other minute gives me big hugs and kisses that make me melt. To think I get the chance to have another one, how my love will double.
Happy Birthday Reid!
Check out his Tonka Truck Invite..... (I had a lot of fun making it)

On another note take a look at this cutie. This is Charlie, she was born on June 13th. This Reids God Parents daughter. I got one good pic taken and just love it. Soon to come her adorable announcement I made, gosh I have fun making these.

So you may have notices a few changes to my Blog. I have stated to make some fun updates more to come. I created my Logo for photography as well as my watermark to help protect my images. More changes to come in the near future stay tuned and thanks for stopping by!
Happy Birthday Reid!
Check out his Tonka Truck Invite..... (I had a lot of fun making it)

On another note take a look at this cutie. This is Charlie, she was born on June 13th. This Reids God Parents daughter. I got one good pic taken and just love it. Soon to come her adorable announcement I made, gosh I have fun making these.

So you may have notices a few changes to my Blog. I have stated to make some fun updates more to come. I created my Logo for photography as well as my watermark to help protect my images. More changes to come in the near future stay tuned and thanks for stopping by!
Under construction....
Sorry folks my Blog is under construction, check back soon hoping to have a new and fresh look for you soon!
Alica Turns 2

On the pregnancy front, Im 15 weeks and doing well, I started to feel better about a week or so ago and Im so happy 1 st trimester is over-it was rough. There definitely viewing my pregnancy different this time around since I went early with Reid and had some preterm labor at 30 weeks with Reid so I have to be watched more carefully and actually have to administer a shot every week from 16 weeks to 36 weeks to help keep me from going into an preterm labor. So I feel alot better about the safety of my child and me.
I do have one exciting thing that I get to cross off my Goal list---I got a new laptop and Im loving it. I don't think Tom likes it as much as I do since all I do is work on scrapbooking and pics. Its just so fun when you have a computer that works and works fast!!
Happy Mothers Day
Well Happy Mothers Day to all of you great Mom's out there. Our one day to be pampered and reminded that we have the best job there is. Yes it may be hard to look at that way every day but when your child stops to give you a big kiss and hug how easily you forget about that rough times. .
This year I am reminded of the things we as women have to go through to become a mother. As you may have seen to the right a Count Down, Thats right where having a BABY! I just had my first appt. last Friday all checked out well. Heart beat sat at 178 and sound great. Our official due date is........ DEC. 1st 2009. Im very curious how close I get to my due date this time around. With Reid I had him at 36 weeks, 4 weeks early. So it will be interesting. Tom is hoping that I can hold off until mid to late November so that I don't interrupt Bow Season in early November. Oh his priorities. We have been working with Reid on getting him to show us where Mommy's baby is and I think he finally got it this weekend. Not only does he point to my belly but he also kisses it to, oh so cute.
So thats our big news..... Soon to come Maternity and New Born pics.
Because I just hate not posting some sort of Pics. Here is Reid and Tom one day playing in his room and another of Reid smelling our Peace Lilly (that I killed-Sorry Kristine, I don't have a green thumb).

This year I am reminded of the things we as women have to go through to become a mother. As you may have seen to the right a Count Down, Thats right where having a BABY! I just had my first appt. last Friday all checked out well. Heart beat sat at 178 and sound great. Our official due date is........ DEC. 1st 2009. Im very curious how close I get to my due date this time around. With Reid I had him at 36 weeks, 4 weeks early. So it will be interesting. Tom is hoping that I can hold off until mid to late November so that I don't interrupt Bow Season in early November. Oh his priorities. We have been working with Reid on getting him to show us where Mommy's baby is and I think he finally got it this weekend. Not only does he point to my belly but he also kisses it to, oh so cute.
So thats our big news..... Soon to come Maternity and New Born pics.
Because I just hate not posting some sort of Pics. Here is Reid and Tom one day playing in his room and another of Reid smelling our Peace Lilly (that I killed-Sorry Kristine, I don't have a green thumb).

Happy May Day!
So its been a few busy weeks. I was in MN for a week for work and then we have had plans every weekend, I did sneak in a maternity shoot a few weekends ago, so fun! I will post them soon. I do have some pics of my son and his girlfriend (Paige) ok so perhaps there to young to date but Paige is the daughter of Tom and I's very good friends Becky and Lee you have probably seen there faces on my blog before. There about 6 months different in age and every time we get together they play more and more with each other. Except Reid apparently felt he was bigger and better then Paige and would bully her-I was not happy with his actions.
Look at this move my little man is making- I love Paiges eyes if I could read her mind it looks as though shes thinking..."Oh my hes getting close, my first real KISS!"
Look at this move my little man is making- I love Paiges eyes if I could read her mind it looks as though shes thinking..."Oh my hes getting close, my first real KISS!"
Photo Shoots are back!!
So I had a great opportunity to shoot the cutest little man (MAX) who was only a week and 2 days old. He did so well, we got to put him in types of positions-what a trooper. I also got to take a few of his cousin who is 3 months (Dylan), one day they will be such good buds! Thanks Christy and Joe for letting me into your home to help you capture these moments. Congrats again.


Ok so I know I know I know....... Its been a crazy month and I am so sorry that I haven't posted in so long. But Im back and ready keep my Blog up to date!
So we are all moved in its been two weeks. I actually took last week off from work to unpack and get all organized. Much needed time off. We also finally got all of our cabinets and counter tops installed this past friday so my Kitchen is complete and is wonderful. I love the size of my island and can't wait to bake and cook.
Im very busy at work so gotta run for a meeting but thought I would leave you with a picture of Reid coloring on my desk in my new office (love this space, sorry Tom I just might live in this room!) House pics to come.
Isnt he getting big....

So we are all moved in its been two weeks. I actually took last week off from work to unpack and get all organized. Much needed time off. We also finally got all of our cabinets and counter tops installed this past friday so my Kitchen is complete and is wonderful. I love the size of my island and can't wait to bake and cook.
Im very busy at work so gotta run for a meeting but thought I would leave you with a picture of Reid coloring on my desk in my new office (love this space, sorry Tom I just might live in this room!) House pics to come.
Isnt he getting big....

Im still here....
Hey Everyone.... So sorry for not keeping up, I have no excuses!
I do however have an update on the house....
We finished painting this past weekend. The living room took almost 6 hours with three of us painting but I just love it. We also completed Reid's room. We had started the weekend before but after the first coat his room was glowing, I mean really glowing-GREEN (NEON). So needless to say we could not use this green to paint all but one wall. So we decided to use the lightest color of the three greens to paint 3 of the 4 walls then we did 3 horizontal strips with three different greens on one wall. (hard to picture but I will show pics soon so you can see it your self). Reids room is my favorite, it turned out so great. I even ordered a sign for the wall that is in navy blue and orange (which is what I am using to accent with) that says " So many toys so little time!" LOVE IT, and so true.
We also went and had a big shopping spree at Menards on Sat. and then Tom went back and did more shopping on Sunday. We picked out the lighting, carpet, sinks, vanities etc. Our kitchen flooring will be laid tomorrow and friday. We hope to have the carpet installed and complete by EOD next week. Which means for the most part the rooms that don't involve plumbing or cabinets I can't start getting stuff out of storage and get it moved in. I can't believe where this close, it felt like it would never get here. They started putting trim and doors in last week and its so amazing. I love the doors we went with (three panel) and the trim custom made, wow, Tom did a really great job getting the details right. Stay tuned for pics, coming soon.
On the photography front its been slow, Ive started reading a lighting book which should help with some things, its hard to practice with not being home during the day to use natural light and then working on the house over the weekends. All I can say is I can't wait to get into the house and get settled so that I can really focus and start try new things.
Well I hope all are well and staying warm... Until next time.
Live, Love, Life....
I do however have an update on the house....
We finished painting this past weekend. The living room took almost 6 hours with three of us painting but I just love it. We also completed Reid's room. We had started the weekend before but after the first coat his room was glowing, I mean really glowing-GREEN (NEON). So needless to say we could not use this green to paint all but one wall. So we decided to use the lightest color of the three greens to paint 3 of the 4 walls then we did 3 horizontal strips with three different greens on one wall. (hard to picture but I will show pics soon so you can see it your self). Reids room is my favorite, it turned out so great. I even ordered a sign for the wall that is in navy blue and orange (which is what I am using to accent with) that says " So many toys so little time!" LOVE IT, and so true.
We also went and had a big shopping spree at Menards on Sat. and then Tom went back and did more shopping on Sunday. We picked out the lighting, carpet, sinks, vanities etc. Our kitchen flooring will be laid tomorrow and friday. We hope to have the carpet installed and complete by EOD next week. Which means for the most part the rooms that don't involve plumbing or cabinets I can't start getting stuff out of storage and get it moved in. I can't believe where this close, it felt like it would never get here. They started putting trim and doors in last week and its so amazing. I love the doors we went with (three panel) and the trim custom made, wow, Tom did a really great job getting the details right. Stay tuned for pics, coming soon.
On the photography front its been slow, Ive started reading a lighting book which should help with some things, its hard to practice with not being home during the day to use natural light and then working on the house over the weekends. All I can say is I can't wait to get into the house and get settled so that I can really focus and start try new things.
Well I hope all are well and staying warm... Until next time.
Live, Love, Life....
More of the House, Like I promised!
I know I know....
SO SORRY for not keeping up on my Blog the past few weeks. What a crazy week in half with work that I haven't had time to even update you on the house. So I hope the next few weeks will allow me to update my blog more often.
So wondering how the house is coming. If I wasn't working this week I was looking, reviewing and freaking out about paint colors, however yesterday I finally decided on all the colors for the house and handed them off to get ordered. CRAZY! I can't believe where to this stage already. But yet I wish it was done, I need my life back in a HOME!
So got some pics of the house for ya, they don't include this weeks updates since where in the middle of mudding and taping the walls which is really cool to see in progress.
OUTSIDE: (Look at that garage much better don't you think!)
Main Kitchen Area:
Living Room (Looking at the Bathroom addition wall):
My OFFICE (does not justify the size of the room but its huge and I love it!):
More to come.....
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